Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a holistic, evidence-based profession that helps people of all ages live life to the fullest of their abilities and to acquire or relearn the skills needed to perform occupations (or activities) of daily life.


Hi! I’m Nat. (Natalie Udwin). I am an airway-centric pediatric OT. That means that I work with babies and big kids to address issues like feeding difficulties and transitions to solids, sensory processing and emotional regulation challenges.

The airway-centric part means that I understand a child’s ability to breathe, eat and sleep well to be at the core of their development. Tongue ties ~ torticollis ~crawling ~ eye movements ~ reflex integration ~ breathing . . . it’s all connected.

My goal is to educate and empower families so they can provide opportunities for their children to be the best versions of themself.

Hi! I’m Nat. (Natalie Udwin). I am an airway-centric pediatric OT. That means that I work with ba... Read More

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